Livingston Municipal Library

Regular Checkout Limits

Customers may check out a total of 30 items after the library card is received in the mail. If customers check out a certain number of items one day and come back to check out additional items on another day, the previously checked out items are included in the total of 30.

Some collections have limits on the number that may be checked out by each customer.  Those limits are as follows:

5 New Fiction

5 Graphic Novels

5 Texas Collection

5 Bilingual

10 Spanish-Language Books

3 Audiobooks (CDs and music CDs, or any combination) 

3 DVDs

2 Magazines

When all or part of these items are returned, others may be checked out, but no more than 30 items per card may be checked out at any given time.  Additionally, customers may not check out all books on one subject or all books by an author.

Temporary customers may check out a total of three books per card.